We Are Shepard - ID# 327

School Promotion

Entry Description

A look into the exciting and flash Shepard High. Through the use of classroom videos to interviews with amazing students!

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/9 10:23 am - I like the idea of this video and your job of promoting the school. When using people on camera make sure that they are framed correctly, and try to get a little bit closer to them. Try to have more variety when it comes to shots, more closeups, less zoom in shots. Work on layering the audio and fading in and out. Be careful with the transitions, because they can be a distraction.
  • 3/3 12:00 pm - +I like the overall concept of this video. It's a good idea to highlight main core values of the school! -People talking seems a little embarrassed or afraid to be on camera. Make sure you work with your talent to make them feel comfortable. -The music seems really intense. I'm not sure it fits the visuals that we are seeing -The transitions that you use seem a little cheesy. These are not typically used in professional work.
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