It's Within Me - ID# 35

Glenbrook South

Entry Description

Music Credits to Emmett Garvey and Josh Liss as the band "Kevin." Written permission

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 2:28 pm - Good diversity of shots and locations. Would love to seem more work with lighting and focus to showcase diversity.
  • 4/25 8:52 am - Lots of strong shots in this piece. The variety of situational shooting helps to show off your range and gives the impression that you practice your craft quite a bit. Movements were smooth and focus was sharp, allowing the viewer to experience the frame with minimal distractions. The day exteriors was handled well and color correction juiced many shots to full potential. Composition skills are high. The soccer footage was under exposed, as were a few of the night exterior shots, causing muddy contrast. Night time shots when you add lighting can be very tricky. Your middle grey range can generally sit 1-1.5 stops under and still play as night. The softer the light, the better. Moonlight is a very soft source because it is literally a huge bounce board. Keep experimenting with different lighting situations and pay attention to what you feel works in others' professional works in order to inform your own preferred style.
Judge 1



Judge 2



Judge 3



Judge 4

