After the abrupt resignation of former boys swim coach, Kirk Ziemke, Glenbrook North High School recently hired Jarod Schroeder to fill the open position. Coach Schroeder was the former head men's coach at Northwestern University and recently resigned to pursue a career in education. Ethan Schwartz and Stella Balaskas take a look at the impact the change has had on the team and what the future holds in store.
Positives: -Great interview variance! It really helped move the whole story along...flow and pace was definitely a strong suit int his one. -The interview framing was also good for every interview -Love your tracking voice! -Way to mix up all of your shots! It kept up the energy in the piece., especially when swimming is so visual.
Improvements: -The lighting was so crisp and vibrant for most of the b-roll, and unfortunately it made those few back-lit dark shots stick out more. Especially when you're interviewing your main subject, lighting is key! I know with large windows in a swim area that can be so tough. Try flipping your interview subject around so their back isn't facing the windows. -There was some missed opportunity here with sequences. Swimming is a lot of repeated action, and that's where you can get some really awesome sequences.
Positives: Good broll. Good bites from the swimmers.
Improvements: The piece feels a little long. If possible, would have been nice to have pool in the background of the boys soundbites.