#Armstronging - ID# 409

Maine East
Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

A teen social media enthusiast seeks followers who wish to create fake landings on the moon. This Mockumentary satirizes teenagers who are too quick to follow trends and hashtags. Music courtesy of youtube music libraries.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/26 12:50 pm - This was my student's submission, so I am going to not provide feedback on this video.
Judge 1

Positives: Sound: Levels were generally good. V/O and interview sound bites were balanced with your music bed. Lighting: I thought was solid as well. The interview with Jack’s dad was a little blown out, but still okay. And your green screen looked good most of the time.

Improvements: Story: This is the element that needs work. It doesn’t feel like well thought out piece. Mockumentaries are harder to pull off than they look, and I don’t think this is quite there. By the time Jack gets upset at the interviewer and says that people could die trying to go to the moon, you pretty much lost me. It ends up feeling like random improv that’s missing the crucial element of making sense.

Judge 2

Positives: Great absurdist concept, fairly rough production, but a strong comedic sensibility at work here.

Improvements: I get that the humor is grounded in these two dudes Armstronging, so one would expect their production to be raw, but the behind the scenes footage could be improved to benefit the overall film.

Judge 3

Positives: Very clever and dry wit

Improvements: Needed more video of naysayers

Judge 4

