Behind the Grill: The Little Louie's Story - ID# 411

Glenbrook North

Entry Description

A light-hearted documentary covering a brief history of the Little Louie's restaurant in downtown Northbrook, in addition to examining how the restaurant's slogan "a part of growing up" resonates with long-time Northbrook residents.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 8:27 pm - Copyrighted music prohibited song "I took a pill in Ibiza" by Mike Posner in the background.
  • 4/22 3:19 pm - Good idea to tell the story of a local hot dog place, but this is more of a news package than a Documentary because of the voice over throughout. Let the various interviews do the storytelling. You can't use copryrighted music in the documentary category as well.
  • 4/20 3:10 pm - +Nice graphics. Very professional and slick +Interviews are nicely composed +Good editing--moves at a nice pace and we never get bored +Nice wide range of b-roll of the restaurant -The VO makes it seem more like a news package than a documentary
  • 3/5 2:01 pm - Use of copyrighted music is prohibited. Positives: Great opening! Interviews are well-staged, including a variety of their clientele. Some interesting angles and framing.
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