Car Enthusiasm - ID# 450

West Chicago

Entry Description

A mini-documentary exploring the uniquely passionate world of car enthusiasts. (Included music DRM-free.)

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 8:26 pm - Really interesting visual concept. I wish you miced up the subjects a little better and got into why they love cars a bit more. These are clearly advanced enthusiasts who have great passion for cars I just wish that came out a little bit more. Otherwise very interesting subject.
  • 4/24 11:27 am - +Interesting font choice! +I like that you are actually with these enthusiasts at the event--seems very authentic -You could benefit from using a tripod so your shots are more stable -The audio quality of the VO is a little distant/there is some noise.Could have stronger writing.
  • 4/22 3:18 pm - After a nice start with a variety of shots from different angles the voice over before the interviews stalled out the story. Cutting the interviews tighter, intercutting them to build the story would really help communicate what you tried to say in both voice overs.
  • 3/5 2:00 pm - Positives: Some interesting shot variety; interviews from a variety of characters work well. Nice rack focus. Areas for improvement: Music bed loop is distracting and doesn't add to the atmosphere of the story; some b-roll is too shaky; ending VO & B-roll needs a bit more work to visually connect the car & the owner.
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