Children in the Holocaust - ID# 451


Entry Description

Simon Blaustein profiles two "hidden children" survivors of the Holocaust. Rights-free music courtesy of YouTube Audio Library

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/22 3:09 pm - Great story selection, both in a historical context, but also their ability to tell a clear reflective story. Great use of broll, especially the scanned images. The audio from both laidies is distracting as it's distorted at multiple times. Great broll shots of the temple shots, especially the stain glass. Interesting use of sound effects with the broll. The audio transition to the US immigration was tough. The quotes were difficult to read over the visual backgrounds.
  • 3/5 1:38 pm - Positives: Interesting stories told by these two women. Good use of old photos to support the story, along with Ken Burns effect. Areas for improvement: First interview clip is a weak opening because she doesn't introduce the topic in any way. The 2nd interview shot would have been a much better open. Title is a bit hard to read at the beginning because of the dark image embedded in it. Title at the end should match. Ending needs a bit of work.
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