Experience a different kind of auto repair shop at Ek Auto. Music Courtesy of: Extenz "Endless Summer" Youtube Music Library
Positives: Great camera shots & lighting of the work on the cars interesting story - unique business pairing - car repair with an art gallery. Worth covering and good messaging!
Improvements: Would have liked to see a more dynamic interview of the owner - maybe move him to one side of the frame and angle the interview. Would have been nice to see someone using the art gallery or enjoying the space while waiting for their car repair to finish. Add that personal, customer experience.
Positives: This is a really interesting business - a combination gallery and automotive shop, so seems a good choice for this assignment. The spot is functional and puts the business owner in a good light, as he describes what they offer to clients and people in their community.
Improvements: The gallery is really intriguing - it might have been good to dwell a bit more on that artwork, and possibly show customers in that space. It also might have been good to clarify if the art is just for viewing, or available for purchase.
Positives: very nice b-roll--good color, good composition, nice movements (not a huge fan of the fish-eye lense, but it was at least interesting :-)) audio noise reduction is HARD--nice work on the interview portion of reducing excess noise. nice depth of field on the VO/interview
Improvements: maybe a little more b-roll of the art gallery...there was one really long shot as opposed to lots of shorter shots. Show people looking, admiring... i would've added an announcer VO at the end with details and a call to action. The call from the interview is nice, but not strong and doesn't compel me. :47 is an odd time for an ad. Usually are done in 15 second intervals...so shoot for a :30 or a :60 for broadcast DIdn't quite understand the opening line--about Apple?