This is our weekly news program, which is aired on Fridays to our entire student body.
Positives: Teaching package is well done with a lot of information. Music package was nicely done as a human interest story.
Improvements: Anchor was dark. Nat sound on Superintendent package was uneven.Anchor reads were flat.
Positives: - Your team does a good job in telling the stories of notable students. I don't think that's easy to do, but you did a good job in doing that. - I really like the flow of this newscast. Your producers did a great job of piecing together stories that your audience will care about or be interested in. It's stacked really well, which helps with the flow. Great work!
Improvements: - Try to get away from stories chronologically and jump into what's most important or compelling and go from there. I think the fact that a high school student and his band are on Spotify is really cool, special enough to lead. The journey into how they got there would provide a solid road map for the rest of the story. Also, have your most important facts/info at the top for the anchor to read. - I think your packages could have been even better if you incorporated more shot composition. A wide shot is always good to set the scene, but show me more and try to incorporate action vs. reaction. It would have been nice to see the administrator leaving and then shots of the crowd that he's talking to. It helps you avoid jump cuts. I want to see (& hear) the sewing machine up close as she's working on clothing. I want to see the drum stick collide with the drum or the guitarist strum. It's more visually telling!
Positives: Nice variety of stories. Fit a lot in a short time. Slick open, good use of editing and music.
Improvements: First two packages each seemed a little on the long side. Tell the stories more concisely. Use only the most compelling soundbites. Package on the fashion design studio had some dark b-roll while she was at the sewing machine. And her interview should have been done while she was sewing instead of with that fancy background that didn't go with the rest of the story.