How to Make Homemade Pizza - ID# 486

New Trier

Entry Description

By Ella Lawlor. For MMEA Film Festival 2019 consideration - "Demonstration" category

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 3:43 pm - *Strengths 1. Appropriate introduction 2. Materials/ingredients clearly identified 3. Narration is clear *Areas on which to work: 1. The steps in your process identify what needs to be done and the order in which they need to be completed. You can strengthen your demonstration by providing more information regarding the techniques needed to complete various steps in the procedure. 2. Your narration also can include relevant and interesting background information related to your topic. The process alone likely will not be enough to keep the audience engaged. 3. Make sure your secondary audio track does not compete with your narration. 4. Look for opportunities to make your audio track richer by incorporating some nat sound. 5. How might you have maintained a consistent background when introducing your materials? The shifting background gives your piece a less polished appearance. You might find a tripod to be very helpful when creating projects like this one.
  • 4/2 11:15 am -
  • 4/2 11:15 am - Camera angles should have changed to keep it interesting. Graphics would have helped. Video didn't go well with voice over. Good music choice. Pizza looked very good.
  • 3/13 11:08 am - Not enough attention to detail. Graphics would have helped the audience understand the instructions. Camera angle changing would have helped it be more interesting to watch. Voice over well done. Some of the shots looked really good.
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