This is an episode of Glenbrook South's bimonthly news program that premiered in February. This specific episode is to promote our school's Variety Show. It features two student-produced packages about Misericordia Sweet Shoppe in Glenview and GBS runner Kate Jortberg. All music is from DeWolfe.
Positives: Nice use of graphics. Video packages are well done with good use of b roll and nat sound.
Improvements: I do not like sliding peoples faces as an effect. For this type of story, a simple dissolve would have been fine.
Positives: - One of the best story techniques you can get in the habit of using is on display in the cross country story. Anytime you profile someone, you will always get better sound & stories from the people that know your subject best. I really liked how you weaved in soundbites from her coach & teammates. - The open is so well done. I could definitely see how that would capture your audience's attention. Bravo!
Improvements: - The newscast needs more video. It helps spice up your end product but also serves as a transition. It's a bit awkward to cut the way you did from a 2-shot to a 1-shot after the introduction. - Your packages tell the story, but there's room for improvement on the writing. Try to tighten your reporter track as much as you can to let the natural sound and soundbites come through. You'l notice it flows much better.
Positives: Slick looking open, nice editing. Good variety of morning announcement-type info and features.
Improvements: A little more video or full-screen graphic would have been nice to be paired with the different announcements. The newscast was lacking in any kind of hard news elements affecting the school or community.