Beyond the Diagnosis w/ Elliot Villeneuve - ID# 68
Waubonsie Valley
Entry Description
This documentary follows the challenges of a high school student living with Cystic Fibrosis.
Recent Teacher Comments
4/25 8:20 pm - Very well done. Enjoyed how you shot this especially the 2 cameras being used on Elliott. He was lit and framed really well. I thought you did a great job of having him explain what cystic fibrosis is and how it affects him and others. I did not like the music choice for this, I thought it was too dire for the story. Otherwise the storytelling and technical side were terrific, very compelling documentary.
4/22 3:13 pm - Great, powerful story selection. The opening in the dark alley is odd and jarring. The cuts between the close and wide angles of the interview, since they are seemingly from the same camera is really distracting. Would love to see more broll to understand how he lives his every day. The little broll you showed helped, but it could have been much more effective with more visuals. The heavy breathing in the background might be intentional with CF, but it's odd and doesn't pay off.
4/20 2:19 pm - +Nice graphics, but I would suggest putting your lower third on the opposite side of the person's body.
+Glad that you got the parents to talk about this as well.
+Good job explaining CF
-audio is very quiet at the beginning
-lack of b-roll
-keep the look consistent. Either pick backgrounds that have something in it, or black background.
3/5 1:49 pm - Positives:
Strong opening; good use of lower thirds. Black set for the interview adds drama & lighting is well-done; it conveys the sense of isolation the subject feels. Areas for improvement:
Opening titles are hard to read in the location over their faces. Parent interview when the dad is speaking should be transformed to crop out the mom, who is distracting. Dad needs to not look at the camera, which you needed to handle when shooting it.