A commercial for the Illinois location of Milkcow. Music: Seaside Breeze by Linus From The Stars I had permission to use this song. I contacted the creator through Twitter direct message and here is proof of the conversation: https://imgur.com/gallery/pZH5uau
Positives: great editing - enjoyed the musically matched zoom in/outs on specific food items. good music choice - upbeat and added to the visuals.
Improvements: Would have liked to have had a bit more of a story behind the film. Good showcase of their items but no call to action. Seeing people enjoying these items would have been a nice addition as well. The film starts out with a crowded, full room but the remainder of the film doesn't include people. People soften things and create an opportunity for the viewer to literally "see themselves in the commercial" at that moment.
Positives: The food looks appetizing, and the edit does some interesting cuts against the beat of the music.
Improvements: This piece of music may not have been right for the spot. It seemed to overpower the spot itself. The spot lacked any narrative about Milkcow and what the offer customers, because the music was telling it's own, different story.
Positives: really like visual hits once you hit the "chorus" of the song at :36--nice execution. for the most part, the shots were well composed, with some nice depth of field at times. Color good. A bit dark at times, but overall nice.
Improvements: not sure the "story" of this...i assume you're advertising for this little coffee shop, but without any cues in either the music or voiceover, I don't really know until the final logo comes up. I think without a VO, some text on screen would have helped... Coulda done so much with this environment--more than just a slide show really