Streamwood vs. Bartlett - Varsity Basketball - Hinkle Holiday Classic - ID# 124

South Elgin
Live Event Coverage Sports

Entry Description

Game clip from Streamwood vs. Bartlett at the Hinkle Holiday Classic in December 2019. Submission for live direction by Johnny Jaszczurowski.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/28 10:28 am - Pretty much always go to floor cams during dead balls. Floor cam under basket almost never works for inbounds passes; stay with it up until the ball gets into the out of bounds player's hands, then take up cam. :58 - good use of floor cam. 1:11 - floor cam doesn't work when players are trotting away from it. Where's the hero shot after every basket? Use floor cams for huddles. The tight up cam seems like the tilt is locked or has way too much tension (jerky shot as huddle breaks). The wide up cam is clearly downhill-right. Good announcers.
  • 3/5 4:07 pm - +Good use of different cameras.
Judge 1

Positives: Good job by the director staying on camera 1--game camera--until a cut made sense. Strong awareness by the announcers to indicate that 3-point shooting was going to be important. They were accurate.

Improvements: This is a quirky thing to notice, but I think the rim microphone sound wasn't in sync with the action. The director made a cut late to under the basket that wasn't really relevant.

Judge 2

Positives: Nice thread on the three point storyline. Both play by play and color broadcasters do a nice job of complementing their description with the action. There was no hesitation with the broadcast,very fluid and in sync.

Improvements: Would have liked to know what the three point stats were since it was such a definitive point of the call. Either a chyron or broadcast that information would work.

Judge 3

Positives: The sounds of the game were really well! A nice blend of announcers, crowd, court sound effects. Cameras shots worked well and were color balanced. The game wide-shot camera had smooth pans and wasn't tilting and moving all over the place. Nice use of promo card slate for fill time. The score-strip graphic is appealing and simple.

Improvements: Although there is a lot of good things to say, one thing I can say I’m a little nit-picky that could be different is If you are going to a promo graphic or any other larger graphics during fill time, rather putting the graphic over the wide-shot you can have the lower handheld cameras shoot a visually attractive background. A simple example is just by having the camera operator place the camera on the floor and shoot the court, or to make the graphic pop more they can rack the lens out of focus a bit. If you have a music generator, you could also mix in an under-bed of music when talking about promos or any other sort of fill time.

Judge 4

