The Brotherhood - ID# 160

School Promotion

Entry Description

A hype video to promote the 2019 HF Football Team

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/20 5:06 pm - Strengths: 1. You selected an appropriately dramatic piece of music for this promotional piece. 2. The pacing of this piece worked well with your music. I really liked how varied the tempo of this piece. Thankfully, the piece does not progress at constant rate 3. You included a number of high intensity shots. 4. You found creative ways to condense big plays. Areas on which to work: 1. Football is an exciting sport to watch, but it is also a fun sport to listen to. Sometimes the sounds of the game are more intense than what we are seeing. How might you been able to include some nat sound in this piece? (sounds from the actually game as well as sounds from the stands) Could we have just a few of the coach's words at the end?
  • 3/4 11:52 am - Fantastic composition on the footage. Color grading could have been more consistent. Great use of music and video. Really liked the voice over. Audio levels were good consistently. Great use of transitions. Really created energy.
  • 3/2 4:44 pm - Good transitions between clips. All were timed well and made sense to me. Great camera shots as well and good use of effects to add some more emotion to the clip.
Judge 1

Positives: Liked the set up and narrative at the beginning and the black out before the action began Great energy shots of football action!

Improvements: The music at the end was kind of creepy with "The Brotherhood" announced over the top - like it was a horror film Lighting in some of the shots was weird and created a grainy appearance in the video

Judge 2

Positives: The bar separation is a cool effect and draws in the viewer and I like the way it goes to black from there. The black and white to color is well done. I think there are some great edits in this piece that keep it moving and engaging. Great job on this project.

Improvements: Make sure to pay attention to the sound drops when the talent is talking. Try to make it even during the whole video. The ending of the video fell flat for me. I was hoping that the coach would have talked and said something inspirational. I am not sure why you had to use the track at the end. If the team mentions it during a time then use that instead of a track.

Judge 3

Positives: love that you used VO with clear and concise script! great storytelling! Great job editing in exciting moments together!

Improvements: At the end- love that you had the message a the end. I would suggest moving the graphics up to match the voice over! I love the dramatic pause at :30 but I'd tighten it up just a tad so you get into the excitement faster

Judge 4

