Red Door Studio Promo - ID# 17

School Promotion

Entry Description

A video made to promote the newly built audio recording studio. Song by One Horizon

Copyright Info

All media was shot / recorded in the studio. Permission to use song was granted from One Horizon.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/21 8:56 am - Strengths: 1. Your decision to show this space in in action is sound. This helps the viewer see how this space is used by students. 2. You wisely chose to include the audio from this session - we are not just seeing what happens in this room - we are hearing what goes on this room. 3. Audio track and video track correlate nicely. In other words, you cut to certain instruments when they had a more dominant role in the song (ex. drums). Areas on which to work: 1. I like your opening sequence but you may have wanted to condense it. Audio transitions from one shot to the next could have been even smoother. 2. Your piece contains a wide variety of shots, but there are times when these shots are not executed as well as they could be. Pay careful attention to your shot compositions and watch your focus (you may find your manual focus to be more accurate than the camera's autofocus).
  • 3/5 1:48 pm - Great shots. Great music. Clean edits. Great work!
  • 3/3 11:37 am - I like the camera shots you used with setting up the equipment. This really builds up the anticipation of the viewers. You did a great job showcasing the studio by simply showing students work that has come from using it! I would try and get those close up shots more stable using a smaller tripod or gimbal system if possible.
Judge 1

Positives: Like the start with plugging in all of the electronics/sound Great storyline of showing what the room can do! What a cool facility and to showcase an actual student group using it!

Improvements: Slow start after plugging in - just seeing technology - want to see people Music didn't help "drive" the hype/sell of the recording studio - wanted something with more students and energy

Judge 2

Positives: I like the natural sound at the start of the video I like the move to the black after the sound. I also think that the variation of shots helps to tell the story of the music space.

Improvements: I am not sure where the studio is or how to book time. I think that this can become even more clear to the viewer. Try to not have the talent look at the camera when shooting a project like this. Some shots are too dark.

Judge 3

Positives: It sounds great! The ambient nat pops at the beginning are a great touch. Love that you used original music. You shots are really nice- love the tight shots. You showcased the equipment very nicely.

Improvements: Your tight shots are great- I would have used a few wider shots with students in the studio to show how they can use it! I'd love for you to use graphics to drive messaging of what you can do at the studio!

Judge 4

