GBN vs. Niles West Basketball - ID# 198

Glenbrook North
Live Event Coverage Sports

Entry Description

This is an excerpt of the GBN vs. Niles West Live Basketball Broadcast. Our Hoops Production Crew consists of a five camera shoot (including two wireless cameras). In addition, we run instant replay, and our sportscasters come from the Sports Broadcasting class.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/1 5:12 pm - Need to see the complete arc of the shot. Huddle shot from up-cam too tight. Obviously not a shoulder-mount cam on the home huddle,. :59 - wait for zoom to finish before taking shot; and this shot works when people walk toward camera, not away. 1:15 - too tight; we need to see a player's head when he catches the ball. 1:19-1:53 is a really, really long time to hang on one camera during a dead ball. Elevated/behind the basket camera is interesting angle for FTs, but why not cut to crowd cheers between each FT? Why are PBP & Color stepping on each other? Home team is winning a close game with only a few seconds left, but the tone of the PBP & Color make it sound like they're losing 198-2.
  • 3/5 4:18 pm - -Audio levels are really low. +Liked the sideline cams. -Need more banter between PxP and color. -Use some energy in the call.
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