Guilt Trailer - ID# 238

Glenbrook South
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

A movie trailer for our film Guilt. Guilt is a horror film about a girls guilty conscious about the death of her younger sister.

Copyright Info

Permission to use music from permission to use sound effect from

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 2:53 pm - Pros: Nice story. Clear sense of what's happening. The conflict is clear and the film is aptly titled. The shots were well filmed, composed and exposed. Improvements: A few of the lines could have been eliminated and the trailer wouldn't have suffered. The acting was very wooden so doing this would have helped. The pacing during the rising action portion felt too slow. It needed to be picked up to build the tension to a crescendo. The make up was a nice touch, but the dead girl still looks alive with no real alterations made. I would have done something to make her look more horrific.
  • 4/23 10:59 am - Pros - The concept is very clear and the story is straightforward and easy to follow. The color motif and make-up were nice touches as well. Strong image quality allows the viewer to concentrate on the story with minimal distractions. Cons - A lot of the trailer seems to bright and flatly lit for the mood and tone of the story. The younger lead had a strong performance but did not mesh well with the older lead; there was nothing that seemed to connect them emotionally enough to raise the stakes for the 'guilt'.
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