Cinematography Reel BHS - ID# 279


Entry Description

A compilation of the best of Barrington High School's cinematography

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/22 11:11 pm - Pros - Strong image quality and good variety throughout. Compositions and focus shifts drive the viewer's attention to intriguing imagery. Good color quality and definition. Cons - The day exteriors struggled with consistency in exposure and contrast control. There was some weird warp effect that was distracting during some of the movements and the slow mo effect in the car lowering shot appeared jittery, but all in all, strong work.
  • 4/14 3:44 pm - +Footage demonstrated creativity and skill, as well as fluency with camera use. -There are some shots that are not really adding much, like the shot of the flags -Too many drone shots. Drone shots do not really highlight your skill as a cinematographer.
Judge 1

Positives: Nice shot composition and camerawork on the car commercial pieces. NIght time football footage looks really great considering the lighting and setup circumstances.

Improvements: First of all, please skip the opening graphic for a cinematography reel. You are selling yourself not a production company and although its cool it doesn't start a DP reel the right way. You are selling cinematography work not graphics work. You need more examples of controlling lighting work. You need to show that you have the ability to manipulate and shape light for your camera.

Judge 2

Positives: I appreciate that you tried to do something different with your reel. 0:18 nice opening shot 0:59 nice shot

Improvements: 0:50 would've been better as a medium or close up 1:26 I like this shot, but I feel that you could grade the exposure a bit mot contrasty with stronger white light Best wishes in all future endeavors. #makemovieshappen

Judge 3

Positives: Great footage from the drone, and you incorporated it in a way that wasn’t overpowering to the rest of the shots. Nice transition with the pull out/into the camera lens, super cool effect

Improvements: Lighting, lighting, lighting. Lighting is really really important, take as much time as you need to light your controlled shots correctly. The graphics in the beginning are cute, and hopefully it will grab someone’s attention. But in my personal opinion, you should open your reel with your favorite shot. Something beautiful and epic, be remembered by your work Keep doing what you’re doing, your footage shows serious skills and promise

Judge 4

