Glitter in the Air - ID# 289

Maine South
News Package

Entry Description

Markos Carmona tells you about the amazing experiences he has had his first year auditioning and performing in the Maine South V-show

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 8:46 pm - I like that you chose a unique topic to your community to highlight. I second the comments below and do not want to be redundant. I think you had enough b-roll to make her statements more concise. I think when you edit out the 'likes,' 'uhms' and 'ands' in her statement you'll find that it moves better and elevates her statement. If you are an underclassman, keep making pieces. If you are a senior, I wish you the best in your future and congratulations!
  • 3/16 8:30 pm - I thought the story did a good job of explaining the process of getting into the show, and Markos’s journey to getting into the show. After a while I felt like the story dragged on (sorry that is so negative) but the reason I felt that way is I felt like I just kept bouncing between the headshot of Markos dancing, and the same basic cover shot of him dancing (practice or performance). I guess I would have loved some more diversity with the B-roll close ups, prep for the show, waiting to go on, name in the program, audience, etc. As you scrub through the story, you will notice you just kind of always have the same shots, and your viewers will notice that, and visually crave a little more diversity. I think another thing that would have broken up the 2-minute interview would have been hearing from the director or fan of the show, who had something to say about Markos’s work. Again, just a break from the routine of Markos talking and watching some dance footage. Also watch your audio levels, the music at the end popped on real hot. Keep at it, you will get it with practice.
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