Ouija - ID# 280

Dramatic Narrative

Entry Description

A chilling tale of possession. You never know what's watching.

Copyright Info

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6CRmIXcrxw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnmQs7nx380 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7_oukTEFrc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paRR1vXGgck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwjzmdiRFpc

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/16 7:57 pm - Overall great use of sound, camera, editing, and acting to tell a story. Some of these “horror” videos are so predictable, but this one kept my interest even though I suspected where it would end up. Specifically, you do a great job using your camera and editing to move the story along, I think of the whole sequence of her walking to the basement to the game closet was well done, easy to watch, and just the right pace. Some students are so worried about continuity that the story slows down, you broke it down nicely. The scene where she is selecting a game from the closet could have used a cutaway of her face giving clues as to what game she was considering (no not that one, oh this looks interesting…) I think it would have made that part move quicker. You had a handful of sequences where there was no music, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it is sometimes a risk because it can make a viewer uneasy because they don’t know what they should be feeling (happy go lucky, looming danger, etc.) I liked your continuity of 10:23 on a wide shot, and then lights out at 10:24, a mistake that students often overlook, however you went from 10:24 to 3:04 in a jump cut. I know there was a sound effect to kind of communicate something changed, but I would have liked a cutaway or something in-between to show she was sleeping through the night, because at first, I was wondering if she suddenly entered some other dimension because the time suddenly changed. Overall, I enjoyed it, I am not a big fan of horror, but you did a good job of keeping me engaged. The story took a little bit of time to set up (it took more time to get her to the game than I think you needed to spend) but you had great synergy between what was seen and what was heard. Good job
  • 3/10 11:21 am - Positives: Solid story concept, executed well! Good variety in the sequence of camera angles that are tight enough to connect you with the main character and keep you hooked into the story; great job obscuring how you were moving the Ouija piece @2:50; engaging sequence from 4:08-4:24 that amps up the scariness! Overall great job! Areas for improvement: The jump at 4:27 into the final terror sequence is a bit abrupt, and could have used some continued subtle creepy music and flickering lights to maintain tension and lead into the final scene, rather than relying on the bloody mouth to provide all the horror for the closing. (Titles are a bit tough to read)
  • 3/9 7:39 pm - text message didn't match the actual text message; injury looks authentic!; I.AM.SCARED.; 2nd half is better than the first
Judge 1

Positives: Elements are presented well, achieving the necessary drama from the start. Old photos, creepy game board (which actually say, 'Yes, yes' in French and German) coupled with the piano music to establish the dramatic story.... The cello music has just enough of an underlying 'heavy' tone to give the narrative a nice start. Music progression throughout the film is nicely done achieved.... Nice 'scares' throughout using familiar horror tropes we all recognize. Having said that, please refer to the 'could be improved' section.... Nice little Ouija move of the arrow.

Improvements: Games' titles would present an issue if this were destined for a larger audience, of course. All of the game titles would have to be cleared in the clearance dept. At this stage, it's only something to be aware of... not to be addressed in a five minute film. Just be aware. When dealing with a suspenseful, horror film, use the elements of surprise (jump scares) OR degradation of the situation (descent into madness) - and understand the build-up happens at a different pace. Jump scares are frightful just for a moment while the 'descent' is shown in a slower, more languishing pace Take into account the ambient lighting for each interior. The Ouija arrow could have been better compose in the shot. She could have reacted to the bite mark on her arm to give more terror.

Judge 2

Positives: The use of practical effects and lighting was very effective. The editing was very solid,too.

Improvements: Some of the cuts ended or started just a few frames off to really make them seamless.

Judge 3

Positives: Very impressive camera work and editing, especially the scene where the girls is looking for a game in the closet. The pacing was impeccable and the shot composition was excellent. You created a strong suspenseful feeling throughout the project. How didi you move the planchette? Whatever you did works well. Overall excellent work.

Improvements: What are some other opportunities to add fright moments as you did near the end where the evil spirit appears for a split second? Although most of the handheld shots work some of them had a little too much shake. See 2:46 of your video.

Judge 4

