What is Trunk? - ID# 291

Maine South
School Promotion

Entry Description

Trunk is a sketch comedy troupe at Maine South High School that students from every corner of the school audition for every fall. They perform 40+ sketches during Maine South's V-Show and are a very well loved part of the V-Show tradition. In this promotion video for Trunk and "A Crazy Little Thing Called V-Show 2020", see the hardworking members of Trunk in action during rehearsal and on stage.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/22 11:26 am - Video and audio quality are quite good during interviews. I enjoyed hearing from the sponsor of the club. Satisfactory balance between primary and secondary audio tracks. You also provide a number of shots showing the group in action. We hear students struggle trying to describe Trunk. This approach might work well in a longer piece, but here it takes away valuable time that might be used to make the piece more informative. Could you have used this time to have students share their humor or say something about how this club enriches them? I like how you included a sample performance. Could you have shortened this example and included some others? Given this is a comedic performance group, I was hoping to see more humor.
  • 3/5 2:18 pm - Nice variety of footage. Music coming in when it did was a good edit. Nice job!
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