What Happens in the Shadows - ID# 341

Back of the Yards College Prep
Dramatic Narrative

Entry Description

A short film about a dark room and a sandwich bag.

Copyright Info


Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/16 7:52 pm - The story was simple which is fine, however because it was simple it never gave you a chance to really develop any of the characters. If your audience really doesn’t know who your characters are then they are less likely to care what happens to them. So, for example in your story I can assume the girl is the victim, but maybe she is not, instead maybe she did something wrong and was being “jailed” and the guard was being compassionate by providing food, and he ends up being the real victim. I am sure it is clear in your head, but if your audience isn’t totally sure after they watched your story, then you need to be more intentional with the elements and clues you leave within your story. Also, don’t be afraid to use music to help your audience know what they should be feeling, you used some right at the start, but then it disappeared. Keep at it, don’t be afraid to use your camera more to tell your story, close ups will always help your audience follow when you want to turn a corner. Keep at it, this was a tough story to tell because of the small space, short story, dark setting.
  • 3/10 11:10 am - Positives: Very dramatic look; great camera angle for the suit who enters the room! Good audio design/effects. Areas for improvement: Never include outtakes at the end of a story. Be sure to list music source to confirm confirm copyright-free or license.
  • 3/9 7:38 pm - interesting plot line; be careful that you can't see camera in shadows of the shot
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