The new precaution at GHS - ID# 36

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With vaping and vaping injuries on the rise Geneva High School has put in a new precaution to sway students away from vaping

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 8:27 pm - I like that you chose to explore a tough topic in your community to highlight. I second the comments below and do not want to be redundant. I think you could really benefit from using a light and lav/pin mics in your interviews. I think if you structure better questions, you would get better answers. Are there positives coming out of this or is it all punitive? If you are an underclassman, keep making pieces. If you are a senior, I wish you the best in your future and congratulations!
  • 3/16 8:27 pm - I thought the introduction seemed a little bit creepy, it is weird to think of a teacher keeping track of who is going in and out of a bathroom and how long that is taking. I kept thinking about that instead listening to your story. I think that could have been a point made within your story, but I don’t know that I would have led with that. The audio levels don’t seemed matched, and Mr. Rogers interview seems to be only on the left side as opposed to panned to the center. It is also really hot when you are standing outside by the CBD store. I liked that you included student opinions, but it seemed a little thrown in at the end, I think you could have used student interviews to introduce your story, or even throughout, but they didn’t seem to flow where you had them. When I think back to your story, after watching it twice I remember the people going in and out of the bathroom, and I remember the administrator saying he is worried because people don’t know what chemicals are in those cartridges. Those two things stick out to me because of the b-roll you put in there helped me recall. A lot of other good points were made in your piece but I am not remembering them all because I don’t feel like your visual support is helping me. Work at matching your b-roll to what is being said. You cite the NY Times, show me the headline, or the article, or other stills that will help me remember the facts you are stating. I appreciated you tackled a tough story, work at matching your b-roll to you story, and consider the order you present things in to draw your audience in to maintain their engagement and you will have some good stuff. Keep at it
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