Homecoming 2019 - ID# 386

Sports Program

Entry Description

Promo video on Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 2019 homecoming. The video recaps the pep rally for the homecoming.

Copyright Info

Music licensed by Digital Juice StacksTraxx

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 3:14 pm - Does not follow category criteria. Ends abruptly. As a recap video, it could use a little variation in camera shots. Show us ALL of the different elements of the pep rally. Include a wide variety of crowd shots to cut away for reactions. Include a graphic at the beginning explaining what we are about to watch. The music you chose builds and builds and we need to see something exciting at the peak(0:27) of that music. The music is perfect to edit to the beat.
  • 3/10 9:51 am - This video does not meet the requirements of the Sports Program. A commercial was submitted. Music was used well for energy. You may want to get more variety of camera angles, as the up top main camera is seen most and almost jump cuts to the next shot. Invest in a tripod on the close-up shots. Probably don't need to include a shot of everyone leaving the gym in a promo video. The use of graphics would help in understanding what this video actually is. A promo should tell the audience- "hey, we're promoting this." Someone watching this would probably not know you are promoting a pep assembly.
  • 2/26 9:46 am - This video does not meet the requirements for Sports Program. "An anchor-based sports show which could include packages, commentary, interviews, etc." Nice use of B-roll and music but this is just a highlight package.
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