Last Man Standing - ID# 393

Dramatic Narrative

Entry Description

The "last man on Earth" goes about his average day.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/16 7:53 pm - Excellent camerawork and movement shots. Your use of music and sound made this feel very real. I liked the parallel structure of the screams from the basement at the beginning and end. It wasn’t overplayed because truth be told with the pace and energy of the story I forgot about the scream until the end and it was creatively brought back without overstating the obvious , good job. I was a little confused at first because it came off a little bit as a comedy, here is a guy, presumably the last on earth enjoying his coffee and sunshine in the midst of chaos all around him. Given how you were setting it up I found it odd he would shoot play baseball or shoot a bow and arrow at a park, I kept thinking of what I would do in that situation and that would not be the first things I would go do. In hindsight, was he practicing his skills to capture/kill others? Not sure but they didn’t seem to fit, especially when you follow it with the scene of him casually sitting in the middle of the street, I assumed it was like Tom Cruise being home alone in Risky Business – I just expected him to let loose more the way you were setting it up. Then it took its dramatic turn. Why was he capturing these people ? Why did he let them live – did he want companionship? I just wasn’t sure at the end. I know I have talked a lot about your story, true I was confused at times. But let me bring it back to your work at telling your story. You have an ability to pull all the elements together, camera, sound, editing and coaching your talent. You did an awesome job and clearly have the skills, just make sure your audience follows the story and doesn’t get lost in some of the details and you will have a blockbuster.
  • 3/10 11:11 am - Positives: Great use of humor in the opening half to throw off the audience. Story is solid, and the closing shot of the actor captures his twisted mind-- great performance! The edit is paced well to give the baseball bat attack impact that's well-supported with multiple sound effects.
  • 3/9 7:38 pm - excellent variety of shots; great transitions
Judge 1

Positives: Nice twist on the 'last man' concept. I like the satirical nature of the film... I guess that's one way to be the 'Last Man Standing,' I suppose. Very much an 'American Psycho (2000)' meets 'The Last Man on Earth (1964)' with Vincent Price, concept. Very good music choice showing the routine of the young man's day dealing with the End of the World scenario. Strong set up at the beginning with a muffled sound coming from the basement - which is later on revealed in a nice fashion.

Improvements: The Cut-to-Black was a little too long, by several frames. The beat was extended too much and could have used a shorter beat. Seemed like the end had come too quickly. A few choice close-ups could have benefitted the film's drama; the film was more or less a series of medium to long shots... not CUs or ECUs except when he discovers the lone boy.

Judge 2

Positives: The editing really added to the dark comedy in this one. I really enjoyed the stylistic framing and transitions.

Improvements: The twist was good, but would have been better without the obvious man yelling in the beginning. Also, the point where he sees the person would have been more effective with a harsher sound effect followed by a smash cut to him grabbing the bat then him running into frame behind the guy.

Judge 3

Positives: You created an interesting project with an effective twist at the end. The editing was effective. Your story progressed effectively and held my attention to the end.

Improvements: Think about giving some very subtle hints that the main character is a psychopath. At the end he has no remorse for killing many people. But there was nothing to suggest that during the main body of the story. Think about shooting closeups and more medium shots. That help to deliver more of an emotional impact. It will also bring the audience into the world you created with your project.

Judge 4

