Coverage of Waubonsie Valley Boys Basketball vs. Metea Valley
Positives: It was clear that the crowd was strong. Your audio got the job done. The director generally had the game in frame.
Improvements: The announcer has infectious energy. He could work on controlling it and being a little more direct with it. Sometimes the energy splatters rather than being surgical. But, keep the excitement. An example: The "Gooooood" at 1:45 could be shorter and still be as exciting. The announcer was ahead of the score bug on the score change.
Positives: Very good pace and energy with the play by play. It was excellent full description of the player, play and outcome. The call on the block was terrific. The camera angles were good with the action.
Improvements: When someone is at the free throw line, would like to know the player's stats. Point total, how many times he is at the line. After a player scores a bucket, would like to know how many points he scored in the game.
Positives: The audio was blended together really well! It sounded as if I was there at the game. The camera angles followed the action and the directing flowed nicely to tell the story of the game. The announcer did a really good job and was engaging. Nice work!
Improvements: Some of the cameras could have used a little boost in brightness. The main game wide-shot camera I think was a little dark. The score-strip graphic at the lower-third of the screen could be tightened up a bit. There is a lot of empty space between the team names and the points scored. by tightening up the score-strip it would reduce the screen footprint allowing there to be more visual space of the game. The score-strip graphic seems to be tied to the game camera and is cut off screen when transitioned to another camera. Not necessarily an issue, but it is untraditional to the format of major sport TV networks as where they leave the score-strip in during the entire game play and only remove it to go to replays, breaks, supplemental /promo graphics, etc.