Lights Out Trailer - ID# 439

Downers Grove North
Movie Trailer

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Movie Trailer

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  • 4/23 2:46 pm - Pros: Nice story! It feels like a horror trailer and is well paced. The music is a great touch and helps to set the mood and pacing of the piece. Your protagonist is decently established and the conflict is clear. Good practical effects throughout the piece. Even though it was just a person in a sheet, it was effective. Improvements: Work on lighting and setting up locations. Your piece contained no exterior shots of any of your locations so as a viewer I never got a sense of where I was and why. You need more lighting throughout the piece. Many of your shots are overexposed and grainy because of this. From a story standpoint, I would suggestion moving the background information about the girl to an earlier point in the trailer and then building the tension after that explanation. It took too long for me to understand the conflict. I wanted that exposition sooner. Also, who is our protagonist. She's a girl...what else? Give the audience a bit more information about her at the beginning so we care enough to follow her on her journey through the story.
  • 4/23 10:53 am - Pros - Engaging trailer; story keeps the audience invested nd wanting to know what if haunting the lead character. The lighting, for the most part, works well in creating the desired mood. The performance by the lead is believable in her role. Cons - The beginning takes a while to develop; there are two shots of the record player right off the bat and a murder (is this flash back to the girl being murdered in the '50s?). Some of the shots in the phone call sequence are so dark that you can't tell something is behind her at first watch; an edge light or a little fill will help. When she turns, the cut is awkward because there it is so dark there is no background and she appear to be in a vacuum.
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