4/24 6:46 am - Pros: Really nice parody trailer with good costuming and effects. Really nice effort in planning and executing each shot. Improvements: Parody trailers, with all due respect, probably shouldn't be considered because they are not an original idea. Rules state that the trailer should be an original idea. You want to create something with universal appeal and people that haven't seen the film being parodied will be left in the dark. Work on your audio mixing. The dialogue was largely recorded using on-camera microphones and it's lost in the mix a bit. Lower the music to -24 to -30dB when people are speaking and raise dialogue levels to -12 to -6 dB.
4/24 6:46 am - Pros: Really nice parody trailer with good costuming and effects. Really nice effort in planning and executing each shot. Improvements: Parody trailers, with all due respect, probably shouldn't be considered because they are not an original idea. Rules state that the trailer should be an original idea. You want to create something with universal appeal and people that haven't seen the film being parodied will be left in the dark. Work on your audio mixing. The dialogue was largely recorded using on-camera microphones and it's lost in the mix a bit. Lower the music to -24 to -30dB when people are speaking and raise dialogue levels to -12 to -6 dB.
4/23 10:22 pm - Pros - Nice costuming for the main characters. Cons - the issue why doing parodies or sequels in the trailer category is that you leave the audience to rely on information they already possess from other source material rather than take the time to develop it in the storytelling of your own work.