4/23 2:22 pm - Pros: Very nice graphic work and overall treatment. It really helps to establish and communicate a sense of unease throughout the trailer. The music works well. Improvements: There is no real story here. It plays like a teaser trailer, but teaser trailers often only work if people already know the world of the film and its characters (like sequels). I don't know this world or any of its characters and the trailer doesn't provide me with any of that information. I have no clear sense of what the conflict is and I have no one to care about. You've got a good graphics foundation. Now build a story that's just as good. Combine the two and you'll have some thing very good. But graphics on its own won't get the job done.
4/23 10:31 am - Pros - The graphics work in this trailer is very strong. Visually, you convey a lot of information about the setting of the story and the role technology will play in the film. The hanging scene hints at tragedy and the music choice supports a dark mood that will possibly lead to a mystery/investigation-type plot. Cons - There isn't much story to go on here and we do not meet any characters, so there is not a lot to go on that might attract a potential viewer to watch the film. The trailer cannot stand on good graphics work alone; it should ideally be supporting the bits and pieces of the film that are revealed rather than driving the bus the whole time.