Venice Beach Wall - ID# 477

Wheaton Academy
News Package

Entry Description

The Venice Beach wall is currently the home to a mural for the late Kobe Bryant

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 8:55 pm - I like that you chose a unique topic to your community to highlight. I second the comments below and do not want to be redundant. I feel that you should have used a tripod and your shots are framed too tight or are shaking. Have someone listen to your stand up and see if there are things you can omit to have a more concise statement or can be covered by b-roll. If you are an underclassman, keep making pieces. If you are a senior, I wish you the best in your future and congratulations!
  • 3/16 8:30 pm - What a fresh story to bring back to your school as you travel, and dedication to your work while you probably could be doing something else more fun. I was hoping for a little more diversity from your b-roll it really all looked the same, just the same wide shot of different people taking pictures of the billboard. Try and mix up your b-roll with some tight shots, different perspectives, even the passerby’s pointing or taking a picture. When you were talking about the graffiti artists on the trees, I love the wide shots so I could see just how many are painted, but then go to a tight shot again to show the different things that are being expressed on these trees. Some of the interviews seemed a little long, especially the fan, I would have tried to cut him down a little bit in post-production (and hide the jump cut with B-roll) or in the moment as you hear the sound bite you want to use, have him repeat his answer, doing it again will usually get to the point quicker. You also had a bad jump cut of yourself at the beginning (21 seconds) that would have been easy to mask with some B-roll. I loved the effort, just work on your b-roll and when you are on a shoot where there are no retakes, make sure you get everything you will need and more. Loved the effort, and it was nice to see a warm place on such a cold day.
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