MVHS vs NVHS Boys B-ball - ID# 479

Metea Valley
Live Event Coverage Sports

Entry Description

MVHS vs NVHS Boys B-ball 1/20/20

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No music

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/26 9:32 pm - The wide/up-cam is the safety cam; it must ALWAYS have the ball in the frame in case the other cameras lose it. How does your school get around safety/legal issues of using a tripod on the floor during game action? How do referees even allow that? Can the wide/up-cam be positioned higher or pedestalled higher to get over the heads of standees? Awkward going from wide free-throw shot to medium, then back to wide so quickly. Why isn't that floor cam getting a medium or tight shot of FT shooters? Good announcers. How about using that floor camera for crowd reax or cheer squad? We've got to see the arc of the ball on the wide/up-cam. Wow, what a time to end the clip.
  • 3/10 12:39 pm - PXP and color seem to share the PXP duty too much while things are going on. Make sure to stay in the role assigned. Announcers do provide some decent insight during the call but talk over each other too much and that becomes distracting. Seems like that low corner cam shot is favored a little too much, would be better as a replay angle? Main wide shot should maintain good open space and keep track of the ball so the frame doesn't get cutoff.
  • 3/5 12:46 pm - +Nice use of different cameras. -Make sure color doesn’t run over PxP too much. +Need some more banter.
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