Gift On - ID# 496


Entry Description

In need of a birthday, anniversary, or house warming gift? Gift On is the place to go...making everyone (even the most forgetful) a pro gift giver from the leisure of their own home.

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  • 4/23 1:53 pm - Gift On - great production values and storytelling
Judge 1

Positives: Cute spot - like the actor Performance is good Nice music track

Improvements: It's a bit unclear in the edit that the boy had already signed up for the service previously - you might want to consider some sort of device that shows more clearly this was in the past. At the very least the actor should be in different wardrobe to convey it was a different day. There might be a stronger way to convey the advantage of the service vs. ALMOST forgetting, which isn't really that big of a problem. Flashback to really forgetting an important event last year? Or show the boy getting kudos for his thoughtfulness? Maybe he saves Mom from forgetting Dad's birthday.

Judge 2

Positives: Clever use of VO. Informative and clear. The style you chose to tell the story works very well. Very arrested development :) Great use of music and sfx to tell the story. Love the transitions as well as the use of gfx and broll.

Improvements: great job!! .My only suggestion would be to tighten it up as much as possible but overall very good job!

Judge 3

Positives: Sound: The sound was excellent, I enjoyed the sound EFX. It may be beneficial to have the voice over pause while Mathew is talking. Hearing your actor say it feel more in tune with the picture than hearing the voice over explain. Good mix of voiceover, efx, and music levels. Camera: An excellent combination of shots. I like your series of inserts and the website visuals. Editing: The use of all your elements came together very well to tell a fun an engaging story.

Improvements: Story: Your narrative is fun and interesting. I enjoyed the character development and I thought the message was clear. Around 30s as you were showing us the website, you likely didn't need the voice over explaining. The story could be heightened further with more showing and less telling. Now that you have the footage and the entire voice over it would be a good time to experiment, take out as much voice over as you can while keeping the tone and clarity that you have now. Lighting: The lighting was even, and worked for your story. I'm being a little bit nit picky when I say that keeping the golden sunlight out of the background of a couple of your shots would have pushed your lighting presentation. The bluer natural light worked for me.

Judge 4

