Isabelle West: A Documentary - ID# 506

Glenbrook North

Entry Description

A documentary that captures Isabelle West's journey growing up with alopecia. Learning to live with her autoimmune disorder and finding a new sense of self love and confidence has made her a stronger woman, and an inspiration to us all.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/22 12:50 pm - Very thoughtful story of this young lady who brave and nature beyond her years. Good job of telling her story through her parent's interviews as well as all of the images. Story has great flow and is made even more interesting by your compelling subjects.
Judge 1

Positives: Excellent use of interview subjects. Each helps offer a different and unique perspective - especially the supportive teacher - nice element. Nice use of pictures and of giving information at the end about where Isabelle is attending college to continue her gymnastics career.

Improvements: Be careful how you frame your interview subjects. For instance Mom's framing is a bit off. She is low in the frame and doesn't have much more than a blank wall behind her. Look for depth and interesting backgrounds that you can throw out of focus.

Judge 2

Positives: Thoughtfully and with respect, illuminates a fairly unknown experience of alopecia. Strong interviews. Informative. Truly brought out the character of Isabelle.

Improvements: Could be more visually interesting and creative, in terms of background. This is a story of appearance and the challenges of looking different. I think this concept could be more developed.

Judge 3

Positives: Interesting presentation on a topic we rarely hear discussed by a teenager. Good file footage of Isabelle.

Improvements: Feels a little static. Talking heads. Broll of Isabelle today with her family and by herself, perhaps in her room or walking at the end would have helped to bring more life to the piece. The interview backgrounds are kind of flat. It helps when you move people away from the wall.

Judge 4

