"New Trier Now" Newsmagazine: February 2020 - ID# 501

New Trier
News Program

Entry Description

The latest news program written, directed and edited by a group of our Broadcast Journalism students!

Copyright Info

"Time Ticks Away"- DWCD 0379 BIG FILM NIGHT -Provided by New Trier's IT department as part of our copyright-free music library available to all students & faculty at New Trier "Romanic"- BendSound -Provided by New Trier's IT department as part of o

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/10 12:03 pm - Watch jump cuts. Right at the top of the show there is one and then I saw a couple more throughout. I understand that you may not have a set with a news desk or elements often seen on a traditional newscast set, but make the most out of what you have. Increase the size of your logo being displayed on the monitor between the two hosts. Brighten the set a bit. If you don't have lav mics for the anchors, consider an inexpensive boom mic dropped down closer to the anchors. When you are recording interviews, consider shot composition. No need to have reporter in the shot, right? Plus, you can hide that you are using your phone to capture audio. Don't forget to bring the phone up to both your mouth AND the interviewee's mouth so we here you the same way. Try to use audio of B-roll in choir segment under interviews rather than piped in music. We're seeing mouths move but the music is all instrumental. Consider having a strong conclusion to wrap up the show.
  • 3/8 7:39 pm - STORY: Creative and topical stories CAMERA: Some interview shots had too much dead space. Jump cut in opening. SOUND: Did not seem natural LIGHTING: No issues TALENT: Passionate and professional
  • 2/24 1:04 pm - Pros: Set looks nice. Anchors seem commanding and very present. Cons: Audio sounds distant. Jump cut right away at the start of the show. Seems like very little original video. It's also odd to have two different people telling the story. VDay story is also very long. This doesn't really feel like a newscast at points. It was jumpy and didn't have a great flow.
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