Infernos - ID# 525

Dramatic Narrative

Entry Description

School can get a little tiring, but video class takes a turn for one students when he falls asleep.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/16 8:06 pm - It was an interesting concept, I liked how you brought your character into his dream and out of his dream. At the beginning you seemed to have a good concept of camera, but then as your character is wandering thorough the school I never see any close ups (except the one in the cafeteria) so I don’t know how to feel because I don’t know what he is thinking because all you give me are these wide cover shots). I didn’t quite understand what you were trying to do at the end, did your character die while he fell asleep? was this all a dream? I wasn’t quite sure. So, when it ended I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel. It may have been in my playback, but it seemed like it could have used more sound to help tell the story.  
  • 3/10 12:02 pm - Positives: Interesting story idea; good use of audio filter to simulate him falling asleep in class. Areas for improvement: dreamlike filter applied at :48, but then inconsistent; perhaps put a color filter on all of his experiences in the dream state; main character's panic needs to escalate more consistently as the story moves to the climax. When the weird noise begins @1:45, is the main character drawn to its source? It seems the freaky noises are the same level throughout... perhaps if they got louder as he approached his final destination it would explain his wanderings.
  • 3/9 7:43 pm - good editing; good camera shots
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