Titan Spirit - ID# 55

Glenbrook South
School Promotion

Entry Description

Titan Spirit is a school promotion video made to showcase the school spirit in the students of Glenbrook South High school. This was shot at our opening football game and was shown to the school to promote participation at school events. The film showcases students and teachers of all ages.

Copyright Info

Written Permission given by Balance Cooper/ Encore https://youtu.be/-zzMpbqUbXU

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/21 10:05 am - This promotion is beautifully shot and edited. Your shots are well composed and capture meaningful signature moments. Also, your use of slow motion is quite effective. Including the announcer's call added flavor to the piece as well. This piece promotes the spirit of a Titan football game quite nicely. However, I am not sure how well the piece showcases GBS's school spirit in general. What might you have included in this piece to demonstrate that your school's spirit transcends the football field/stadium? Perhaps your promotion is fine, but your description of what you intend this video to show needs to be modified.
  • 3/5 1:50 pm - Beautiful footage. Well edited. Good music choice. Good voice over. Great work!
  • 3/3 1:17 pm - I like how you added audio in from a broadcast to bring up the energy as you progress into the video. Your camera movement and angles were spot on and very smooth.
Judge 1

Positives: Showed a lot of different students and the diversity of the student body Nice drone shot

Improvements: Very weird start - unsure what that was - shadow of person in theater narrating? Too short - didn't convey much of anything - was all of it here?

Judge 2

Positives: I like the opening shot of the video. I wish you would have gone from that to the play that is being described. Good coloring on all of your shots. I like the use of slow-motion during the video.

Improvements: The music pops up fast at:15 seconds. I am not able to get a strong sense of the spirit of the school through this video. I see a lot of banging on buckets, but not a lot of shots putting me into the action and fan sections. The video seemed to end quickly with the drone shot.

Judge 3

Positives: Love that you used a part of a broadcast at the beginning. Would have loved to see some of the game their Your shots are really nice! great job on broll. The end shot is fantastic!

Improvements: I would have picked a song that moved the sizzle along a little more! I loved you used a soundbite at the beginning. I would have loved for you to carry nat sound throughout the piece to add that excitement

Judge 4

