Hotel Hell - ID# 57

Glenbrook South
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

A trailer based on the classic style of 1950s golden age of Hollywood thrillers. The film follows two materialistic oil executives confronted by a politically charged crisis.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 2:35 pm - Pros: You have some nice stylistic elements going on. The costumes and the lighting worked well to sell the black and white footage in a lot of shots. The music helps to convey the era you're trying to portray. Nice work to film at a hotel. Improvements: There is no clear sense of story here. I don't really get the conflict and the characters aren't well established enough for me to care. The title cards need to be on screen longer so they can be read clearly and greater care needs to be put into writing them so they help to both carry the story and pace the edit. Work on your sound mixing skills The dialogue is undermixed and your music is overmixed.
  • 4/23 10:45 am - Pros - Good location choice; it helps be legitimacy to the trailer and not scream student film, so that is much appreciated. Costume choice helps raise production value as well. The B&W high contrast, almost noir look helps tell the audience what to expect from a plot convention standpoint. Cons - There is no real plot here; there are events that are seemingly unconnected but no semblance of a story that the viewer can invest in. Maybe if there was one central character that connected everything or if the four men were introduced in a way that establishes stakes, then it would be easier for the viewer to invest in their outcomes.
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