MMEA Newscast - ID# 579

News Program

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High School News Program

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  • 3/8 11:00 pm - Fun intro and music get's you pumped. Nice energy from the two anchors. However, after intro, show starts with one anchor at desk and the other anchor is no longer there. Try a one shot on one anchor at a time. Fall fest segment feels more like a promo in the way graphics, titles are used. Balance your audio levels a little more in this piece. Maybe reconsider disappearing anchor crossfade to other anchor. There are A LOT of trends in newscasts and news magazines in how they cut between anchors. Find something you like that is grounded a little more in the trends professionals are using and build/create from there. The stand-up to the Zoology club segment has a nice on-air personality. Start in a still position, or maybe just edit the piece from a still position, rather than having talent holding mic with two hands and then moving it to one. Also, what is the purpose to this stand-up? The news anchor could have introduced the piece, right? Now, if the on-air talent would have been on camera a little more throughout the segment or contributed VOs, then you'd one the stand-up. But it felt as if the piece was introduced twice. Try getting action footage of your sports teams rather than still shots. Same idea with stand-up for Principal of the Year segment. Great personality but what is the purpose of this stand-up? We can get that info from news anchors. Are you truly live? Make sure audio is in both channels at all times. Good closing.
  • 3/3 4:56 pm -
  • 3/3 4:56 pm - CAMERA: Studio and hallway shots were done well. LIGHTING: Consistent and did not distract. TALENT: Both sets of anchors did an amazing job with their on air performance. STORY: The news that you broadcasted in this episode was interesting and informative. The combination of news packages and promo videos was creative. SOUND: No issues. CAMERA: The shots were well framed in the studio. The only issue was the anchor appearing in the opening then disappearing. This was confusing visually. Some of the shots in the news packages had too much head room or laced lead room. LIGHTING: No issues TALENT: Excellent. Their energy made the show enjoyable to watch.
  • 2/24 12:09 pm - Pros: A very nice open, very good school feel. Fall fest piece is interesting and presented in a fun way. The Zoology club piece is informational, but there isn't really reporting here so the reporter intro doesn't make a lot of sense. Anchors had a lot of energy and thought they acted very professional. Both could have careers in this for sure. Cons: Start of show anchor is sitting on one side of the desk while the other side is blank. This looks unbalanced. Maybe try a 1-shot if only one person is on the set. It also looks strange one one anchor disappears and is cross-dissolved to another. In a news show you probably don't want to start with a promo piece. Cool that three people have 1000 points in sports story, but the shots you used were of team shots and I have no clue which person actually did it. Principal story, graphic was up too quick, reporter lead in seems unbalanced. His interview seems to be in an odd location in front of a black wall. Be careful to not write LIVE, when it truly isn't LIVE in the moment the viewer is watching.
Judge 1

Positives: Good variety of stories. Nice energy

Improvements: Could have used video in sports Music was somewhat jarring at the end The story on the principal showed promise but could have been edited a little differently for more energy throughout the package

Judge 2

Positives: Great news open! Love the personality from the anchors during the first shot.

Improvements: Confused with the first story. It sounds and look like you are promoting the event instead of just telling the news. Instead, get a sound bite with an organizer and have them explain what the money goes to or what new event is happening at the festival this year. Spice the story up. The dissolve between having the two anchors sit on the desk is distracting. I would leave both anchors on the desk and try to have them both tell the news. That's better than having one appear and then disappear.

Judge 3

Positives: Loved the editing on the fall fest pkg Great editing on zoology club pkg anchors have good energy

Improvements: In news - anchors each have a dedicated chair and they sit in it the entire show. It is typically the man on the left and the female on the right. It is apparent this newscast was edited because your anchors are all over the place. At one point one disappears and the other appears.

Judge 4

