This public service announcement about locking your vehicles was produced in cooperation with the Park Ridge Police Department. The song title is "Invincible" from the free use YouTube library.
Positives: The opening sequence was very beneficial to conveying the points being made. The message was clearly conveyed. The piece was well lit.
Improvements: Graphics at the end do not quite line up with the narration. Graphics could have been overlaid on the video to help further convey the points being made. Audio of the cop speaking at the end could have been clearer.
Positives: Actor's performance was good, and having an actual officer deliver the message adds a lot of cred! Creative shot compositions and good editing during the thief segment - good music choice, too. Your exposure, focus, and lighting were all good.
Improvements: Instead of the text and bullet points that simply duplicate what the officer is saying, I would have liked to see at least brief shots of the thief in action during this section, as the footage of him is much more interesting than the static text. A final shot of the thief smugly walking away, or maybe finding a car that was locked and giving up, would have been an interesting way to end.
Positives: Excellent camerawork, lighting and audio. Information was conveying succinctly.
Improvements: The actor was not believable as a thief, possibly choosing another actor and/or directing the actor to search more as a thief would. Some sound effects would have enhanced the piece.