Lock Your Cars - ID# 570

Maine East
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

This public service announcement about locking your vehicles was produced in cooperation with the Park Ridge Police Department.

Copyright Info

https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music?nv=1 The song title is "Invincible" from the free use YouTube library.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 8:56 am - Your opening shot of this project as strong! I imagine that it would be hard to make a shot of a parked car look interesting and you nailed it with your depth and the angle you selected. I wish I had been able to see a better shot of the iphone that ended up being stolen. This shot was so quick and showed only part of the phone and it was hard to register what was going on. I might consider adding an eyeline match to the shot of the phone from the robbers perspective to make this more clear. I loved the use of the police officer and how this was clearly a community project! You had clear action steps you wanted the audience to take and the police officer helped to boost your credibility. Very nice overall!
  • 3/7 3:29 pm - Nice variety of shots and angles. They told the story well.Where is the snow on the vehicle that he went into? You see him coming up to a vehicle with slush on it and then it cuts to him going in a clean, dry car, and then going to the back of a slush covered car. The ending was kind of dry and boring, with the officer sitting at his desk with a bare, wood wall and boring graphics. You might have tried to have him outside by the cars, or maybe with officers arresting the robber in the background.
Judge 1

Positives: The opening sequence was very beneficial to conveying the points being made. The message was clearly conveyed. The piece was well lit.

Improvements: Graphics at the end do not quite line up with the narration. Graphics could have been overlaid on the video to help further convey the points being made. Audio of the cop speaking at the end could have been clearer.

Judge 2

Positives: Actor's performance was good, and having an actual officer deliver the message adds a lot of cred! Creative shot compositions and good editing during the thief segment - good music choice, too. Your exposure, focus, and lighting were all good.

Improvements: Instead of the text and bullet points that simply duplicate what the officer is saying, I would have liked to see at least brief shots of the thief in action during this section, as the footage of him is much more interesting than the static text. A final shot of the thief smugly walking away, or maybe finding a car that was locked and giving up, would have been an interesting way to end.

Judge 3

Positives: Excellent camerawork, lighting and audio. Information was conveying succinctly.

Improvements: The actor was not believable as a thief, possibly choosing another actor and/or directing the actor to search more as a thief would. Some sound effects would have enhanced the piece.

Judge 4

