Close Before You Dose - ID# 588

Vernon Hills
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

A public service announcement made to promote closing one’s door before they sleep to increase chance of survival in a home fire.

Copyright Info

Paid subscription from Epidemic Sound:

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 9:35 am - This was beautifully shot and I was impressed by your use of the blood make up in the zombie scene. However, this PSA seemed to end abruptly. You presented clear statistics and a narrative, but no call to action at the end for what you wanted your audience to do with their doors. The animation on the bulletin board was also well done and a creative way to present your stats instead of simple text. For your next cut, in addition to providing an ending call to action, I would also incorporate the natural audio sound of a door closing. With closing doors being the theme of this PSA, I wanted to hear that happen as well as see it!
  • 3/7 9:23 pm - Original storyline. Good audio. Well edited together. Video just ends. I feel there was more, but you didn't export out the entire video. The first half dragged out a bit. You could have cut that down so you have an ending. So, what about the door? You said it could save us, but how?
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