A student looks to ask a crush of his to prom, but something gets in the way.
Music was obtained from www.bensound.com which our school Neuqua Valley has a subscription to as well as the YouTube copyright free library.
Positives: Your setup for this is downright hilarious. Didn't see it coming at all A+ The film at times has a good sense of comedic timing. A good example is when she twitches and your lead runs away.
Improvements: The overall sound quality could be improved. The mixing needs work and there is a lot of background noise in your audio. The editing could have been tightened up a good deal to enhance the comedy. Scenes and shots often hang on for just a hair longer than they should and the general pacing of the story feels too slow for the story that is being told.
Positives: 2:32 funny moment. 2:46 and that he keeps running 1:10 nice cut to basement. moves plot along quickly.
Improvements: 2:07 missed opportunity to complicate the situation further. If you're going to introduce a complication, might as well take it a little bit further. 2:37 would have liked to see her more confused or angry. Best wishes in all future endeavors. #makemovieshappen
Positives: I like the use of the sound effect for the accident and the edits for moving the bike are nice and quick and clean. Solid lighting and use of the camera during the entire process.
Improvements: There is a sudden drop of music at 1:30 which is a little distracting. Work on fading it out not just dropping it. The use of the line is a little strange, but is able to work. I am not sure the development of the characters and it makes it hard for the viewer to believe the story or to care about it. Work on making the main character the likeable.