This natural sound news package was created for the Glenbrook North student-produced news show, "Spartan News Now". The package profiles new Head Football Coach Mr. Purdy and explores his goals for the season
Positives: The natural sound to start the story set the scene. Great use of putting video on top of interviews and showing what the coaches are saying.
Improvements: Find creative shots to tell the story, maybe a shot oft he football going towards the camera. You can use more video over interviews once you show the person on camera once.
Positives: - Great use of nats in this! This was a perfect story to do a nat piece on, given all the sounds available, like cheers, whistles, stadium music, etc. I think you did an awesome job of making sure none of the nat sound was overpowering at any point or jarring. Good balance of nat sound in the background and nat pops as well. -I really loved seeing your interview subjects put in different environments with different framing. The one on the bleachers was framed so well, and you mixed up your rule of thirds which always takes your interviews to the next level.
Improvements: ways you can take your pkg to the next level: -Your shots all looked clean, but you can take it up a notch by thinking super wide, wide, tight, super tight. This will really help you vary up your shots and allow your filming to stand out even more. -Your pkg was well delivered, and easy to understand. It was clear you know the rules of a pkg, using sound bite, nat pop, sound bite, nat pop, etc. Now that you nailed that, get creative and maybe do sound bite, sound bite, nat pop, or even break up a soundbite with a nat pop in the middle of it if it adds a creative and relevant element. Some of your bites were a little repetitive too, this might help you make some of them a little shorter or break them up.
Positives: The camera work on the piece works very well. The broll and interviews are framed well, and the variety of broll keeps the piece interesting. Additionally, the nat sound was executed very well--it tied the piece together without overpowering the interview bites.
Improvements: One element that could be improved is that this piece felt very long--it became repetitive and could've benefited from cutting things out, or finding other story elements to include. Additionally, I think the piece could've benefited from hearing from the coach that is stepping down. Even if not from him directly (if that was not a possibility), I would've liked to hear from someone why he stepped down.