Water - ID# 70

Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

All is not as it seems in a strange encounter that seems random, but may not be.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/22 10:21 pm - Successful - Nice cinematography and editing. Cool concept and mood. Good sound design. Needs Work - This felt less like a comedy and more like a dramatic narrative or experimental film, which is fine, but overall not very comedic. This definitely feels too short. There's not quite enough there to tell a story or make a strong artistic statement. It's OK to be abstract, but something was missing.
  • 4/22 9:12 pm - There are some great filming techniques here and you have some cool drama, but there are a couple techniques that are lacking, both with editing and with the story. For the dialogue, I would work on incorporating L-Cuts and J-Cuts to allow the conversation to flow. As for the story, a humorous piece, even when pushing a dramatic tone, has to have a notable punchline, several even, and the humor is lacking a bit here. Keep at it, all those involved have a good eye and some serious skills developing here, keep up the great work!
  • 3/6 11:43 am - In terms of a comedic narrative, I think this might have been miss categorized because I don't find the humor in the film. Most of it is shot fairly well but more production needs to be done on the dialogue between the two actors. Consider using J Cuts & L cuts when editing in an effort to make the back-and-forth exchange seem more authentic.
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