This PSA attempts to enlighten the rampantly growing problem of child abuse and the severity of the topic. By highlighting one of Teddy's experiences with his abusive father.
Permission from Dewolfe music
Positives: Creative use of camera angles. The incorporation of statistics on screen helped to further convey the message. The use of suspenseful music was a good choice and the background noises added to the piece.
Improvements: Narration/dialogue could have been stronger. At some points, the combination of still graphics over a shaky shot made it hard to focus. Several of the shots seemed overly blue and could be more white balanced.
Positives: I like how the lighting changes naturally from bright to dark and scary as the story progresses. Lots of variety in camera angles.
Improvements: Dad's voice from behind the newspaper doesn't sound right - needs to be in an echoey room Maybe he could have snapped the newspaper into place just as you cut to his shot - seemed too static. Don't think you needed the sound fx of the belt at the end - took me out of it a bit.
Positives: Excellent use of titles to convey information. The piece getting darker towards the end works well.
Improvements: Better camera, lightning and audio techniques can be utilized to enhance the piece. Using a tripod, lights and a shotgun microphone would enhance the piece.