Bulldog Insider OWL Classroom - ID# 97

Riverside Brookfield
School Promotion

Entry Description

A look at how the Organic World Language Classroom functions and compares to a typical classroom. Students and teachers give their opinions on the new classroom style.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/17 5:26 pm - Strengths: 1. Effective b-role - it relates well to statements made in your piece's primary audio track. I really like how your cutaway depicts students in action. These shots give us a sense of how this classroom setting works. 2. I really enjoyed the interviews. Your interviewees are enthusiastic and informative. Areas on which to work: 1. You use a text box to explain this program. How might you have presented this critical information in a more effective manner? 2. You are promoting a novel program. What questions might your viewers have after watching this piece? The students appear to be having fun, but how do we know OWL is improving learning? How are the students assessed in this setting? 3. Continue to work on composing your interview shots using the rule of thirds.
  • 3/4 11:11 am - Great use of transitions. Really liked your opening. Audio levels were consistent which is always good. A few place where dissolved didn't seem to fit.
  • 3/2 1:32 pm - Great job showcasing an amazing program! You had great transitions and footage of your school as well. I like your b-roll shots as well while the interviews were taking place. Some of your shots were a tad shaky, so make sure to use a tripod!
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