Wear a Mask, Save Lives - ID# 115

Southland College Prep
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

A public service announcement that urges others to continue to wear masks and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Music royalty Killertracks.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/30 10:28 am - Excellent shooting, lighting. Story is powerful and effective. Elegant and simple, yet effective storytelling.
  • 4/7 5:33 pm - This was great! Excellent framing, coloring, audio, pacing... nailed it!
  • 3/9 3:07 pm - Perfect edit. Bravo! Excellent composition on every shot. Effective storytelling to get the message across. Outstanding.
Judge 1

Positives: Great concept. Very dramatic story. Good choice of music. Like use of graphic text.

Improvements: Needed to be closer on the phone because we all wanted to read it comfortably.

Judge 2

Positives: The cinematography is excellent. The editing worked very well. This is a very professional looking, polished piece.

Improvements: The dramatic moment with the phone could have been improved as the audio entirely disappears, which is too jarring, something more subtle could have been used to make a jarring effect, but something needed to stay consistent such as background audio, etc.

Judge 3

Positives: Overall, this video was very strong. The variety of camera shots and angles were interesting and really added to the story. The color and lighting of the piece was great. The pop-up graphics displayed a level of skill. The music and sound effects also supported the story.

Improvements: I would have liked to have seen more of the pop-up graphic text at the end when he checks his phone the second time. Also, I feel the ending of the video could have benefited from music.

Judge 4

