How to Make Perler Bead Creations - ID# 15

Morton East

Entry Description

This is a video about how to make perler bead creations. Music:

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/19 8:21 pm - POSITIVES: Strong opening sequence, although some close-ups would have added to the effectiveness. Fun stop motion action. SUGGESTIONS: Leave the title on long enough to read. Try multiple angles DURING the building of the pieces. Transform most of your shots so that they're tighter... you don't need to see all the background. Ending was abrupt.
Judge 1

Positives: Good script and narrator. Some nice camera work.

Improvements: Camera shots for reveal of items needed to be a bit closer. Too wide. With fast motion of making item needs to be closer so audience can see process with ease.

Judge 2

Positives: Greta moving shots at the start of the video. I like the use of the graphics for this video; they add a nice layer. Vary smooth time lapse on this video that helps move the process along but is not too distracting.

Improvements: Watch the framing of the shot when you are telling the viewer what they need for the process. Watch the transition from the zoom-in to the zoom-out. Instead of a time-lapse while ironing, you can just make an edit to another angle. It is important to watch the levels of the music. There were times when it was too loud and was distracting from the message.

Judge 3

Positives: Well shot and edited. Speeding up the video worked very well considering the time involved. The use of stop motion editing at the end was a creative and effective way to close

Improvements: This was very well done--no improvement needed

Judge 4

