SoriBeat: Korean Drumming Keeping the tradition alive - ID# 226

New Trier
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Entry Description

MANE TV Reporter Faith Cho explores the Korean Drumming Group SoriBeat, and how the organization helps its members connect to the traditions of their past as well as to others like them in present day.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/7 10:59 am - You have a really interesting story here, nice work detailing this important cultural tradition. The start was a bit abrupt, adding some more visual and narrative story-telling components would help bring the viewer in to the world. The b-roll worked really well, and you have a nice variety of angles. Just be sure to keep your titles consistent. Great work with the pictures and great job with the subtitles. Keep up the fantastic work!
  • 3/28 9:06 pm - At :51, the picture zoomed in and then started to zoom out - carefully check all transitions to avoid something like this. Same thing happened at 1:06. Great information in this story - good choices for your interviews. They all provided a different perspective for your story. Careful so your video doesn’t fade out before your VO ends at the end of your story.
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