Open Mic Night at Area Coffee - ID# 221

New Trier
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Entry Description

MANE TV reporter Addy Irwin does a story on the Open Mic Nights held on Friday's at Area Coffee on Park Street in Mundelein. An opportunity to get out of your house and listen to some local music talent for free right here in Mundelein.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/28 10:06 am - Very interesting story and great reporting being on location and finding interviews from the public. There are some audio issues however at times, it's hard to capture sound on location in the cold and with masks, so great attempt overall. You could also use some more storytelling to help tell the story. Really great footage. Just some audio level and structural issues. Keep up the good work!
  • 3/28 9:05 pm - Good start with the natural audio. Bring it down when the reporter starts her stand up. You never want the natural audio to over power the SOTs or VOs. Good variety of b-roll shots. Great variety of interviews. Be sure to balance the audio levels throughout your entire story - if you do that, you’ve got a top notch story! Great topic - always good to tell the students about an event in their community that is not directly related to the high school.
Judge 1

Positives: Nice starting with nats of the music to set the tone for your topic. I like how you covered sots with video to keep it moving. Very creative stand up at the end. It's always great to do something active for a standup.

Improvements: Try not to let the interviewee hold the mic. You need to control the interview and the situation and should always hold the mic. It's okay to shoot the interview tighter so you can hold the mic. The nats of the music are great, but the level never seemed to come down when you were talking. That made it hard to concentrate on the track. Try to set the tripod at eye level, so you're not looking down at the camera. This was really long for the topic. You could trim some of the nats in the middle to keep it moving. Try to get this to 1:15 at the longest

Judge 2

Positives: - Your on-air presence was great! You seemed really comfortable and confident in what you were saying, which is really tough to do when just starting. - I really like the use of natural sound and for the most part, it was edited together really well. Great job in weaving the music together.

Improvements: - The shot composition, sequencing and editing needs work here. Mix in some more medium and close up shots when shooting your video. - The framing on your interviews could be better. You want to use the rule-of-thirds -- not just have them in the middle -- and utilize the space to help tell the story. Also, you may be limited on resources, but try not to have your interview subjects hold the mic.

Judge 3

Positives: -great start to the piece with the sound of music in the background -Addy had a solid delivery... energetic and conversational, which is key!

Improvements: -could use lighting on the interview subjects. It was hard to see their faces. If no light equipment available, try to use light in the street to brighten up your subjects

Judge 4

